Who am i?

My name is Adhiesha Jayasinghe, and my passion's game development! I started learning how to design and develop games in the Unity Engine while I was studying aerospace engineering at the University of Michigan. My endeavors in game design drove me to instead pursue some education in computer science before moving to Washington to better immerse myself in the game development industry. At present, Iā€™m finishing my computer science education at the University of Washington Bothell.


  • Unity game development

    • 4+ years experience

    • Programming gameplay and game systems in C#

    • Familiarity with both 2D & 3D development

    • Constructing, importing and placing 2D & 3D assets for level building

  • Game design

    • Turning game concepts into designs, working prototypes and, eventually, completed games

    • Using existing toolsets in new ways to accomplish desired game design goals

    • Documentation of steps taken during design and construction of game projects

    • Producing screenshots and video content for the sake of marketing

  • Game testing/Debugging

    • Repetitive testing of levels, documenting errors and bugs for correction or improvement

  • 3D modelling in Blender

    • Using Blender to build 3D models for level construction